photo by Sergey Pesterev

Bess is an inspired practitioner. She is intuitive, intelligent, and always learning. The benefits of being her patient are immeasurable.
— L.S.

 What is Functional medicine?

Functional Medicine is a physiological, systems-based approach to medicine. The focus of diagnosis and treatment is on finding the root, underlying causes, and connections between body systems, not symptom management. By utilizing advanced lab testing, deep listening, and observation strategies we develop an integrative treatment protocol that addresses the underlying causes of imbalances. 

  • Prevention is key. Nearly every complex, chronic disease is preceded by long-term disturbances in body function that can be identified relatively early on and effectively managed.

  • Changing how the systems function can have a major impact on health. The functional medicine practitioner examines a wide array of available interventions and customizes a treatment plan.

  • Functional medicine expands the clinician’s tool kit. Treatments may include combinations of botanical medicines, nutritional supplements, therapeutic diets, or ways to improve detoxification. They may also include counseling on lifestyle, exercise, or stress-management techniques. The goal is to bring balance and prevent relapse.

  • The patient becomes a partner. As a patient, you become an active partner with your functional medicine practitioner. Such a partnership allows you to be in charge of improving your health and changing the outcome of your healing process.

What to expect?

A comprehensive integrative Functional medicine consult includes a 75-minute initial consult and a 15-minute follow-up. First, you will send me any past lab work to review along with your health intake forms. In the initial consult, I will listen to your health story and we will cover all of the details about your current symptoms/challenges. After the consult,  I offer to formulate a custom herbal formula, as well as create an individualized 'Wellness Plan' that includes: recommended lab tests, a supplement protocol, and suggestions for lifestyle, food, and mindfulness practices.

This is just the beginning......My purpose is to educate and empower you to take care of yourself and maintain vital health through transitions in your life. The Intital Consult includes a 15-minute follow-up call to answer any questions you may have about your Wellness Plan. I will recommend a follow-up consult either in 2-4 weeks. I typically partner with women for a minimum of 3 months, outside of our scheduled consults, I am available via email for short check-ins. 

What is Eastern Medicine?

Acupuncture is the insertion of single-use, sterile needles into points along ‘meridians’, pathways of the body where energy called "qi" flows. Meridians traverse the body's surface and connect internally to organs. By stimulating specific points along meridians, qi is allowed to flow, blockages are cleared, organs & systems are strengthened and balance is restored. Acupuncture stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which allows the body to rest and repair. It is only in this state that the body will be able to heal.

Cupping and Gua Sha are manual therapies used in Eastern medicine to relax muscles, break up fascial adhesions, clear a chest cold, stimulate the lungs, eliminate digestive stagnation, and more. Besides their clinical effectiveness, most patients find the experience to be very relaxing. Moxa, an ancient form of heat therapy, is thought to pre-date Acupuncture. Leaves from the mugwort plant (Artemisia Vulgaris) are burned at or above specific acupuncture points. Modern research has shown that "moxa" therapy is effective at raising white blood cell counts and, most famously, is used to reposition breech babies. Practitioners use moxa to warm both regions and acupuncture points with the intention of stimulating circulation.

Sensitive to Needles?

Since acupuncture needles are hair-thin and solid, they feel nothing like hypodermic needles, which are thick and hollow. Patients who have never tried acupuncture are surprised to discover that acupuncture is quite gentle and comfortable. Although other modalities such as moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, and acupressure can be provided as alternatives for those who are reluctant to try acupuncture, even the most sensitive patients find acupuncture to be quite relaxing. 

What to Expect?

In your initial Eastern medicine consult, I will review your health story, and get details about your current symptoms/challenges.  You will receive an acupuncture treatment which may or may not include cupping, moxa, or gua sha. I will offer a custom herbal formula and supplements to support your healing. There is no formula for how many treatments an individual will need. I typically recommend 4-6 treatments to start, at which point we will reassess and determine a maintenance plan if necessary.

What Is Herbal Medicine?

Plants used as medicine have been practiced throughout the entire history of humankind, in every culture around the globe. Herbal formulas are customized to each patient.  Herbs empower you to continue to support your body’s natural healing ability on a daily basis. I am passionate about curating the best quality herbs possible and am so proud of my apothecary. A majority of the hundreds of herbs I source are organic or fresh wildcrafted, and I use them primarily in the form of tinctures or powdered capsules.